Social Enrichment

Our students’ social lives often revolve around the ISO campus. Our facilities are unmatched in the city and, since most students live nearby and participate in after school activities, school is a convenient place to meet and play.

In addition to pick-up games of soccer, softball, ultimate Frisbee and floor hockey, there are numerous organized events for students to participate in.

Halloween night, the Holiday Fair carnival, family bingo afternoons, hang-out evenings with mini-sports tournaments and school dances are a few of the regular events that give students more chances to relax and build some good memories of life in Ouagadougou.

Activities Philosophy

At ISO we believe that extracurricular activities are an integral part of the school setting. After-school activities provide students with opportunities to explore new areas of interest, build skills, assume leadership roles, and establish meaningful connections with other students.

Participation in these activities also promotes the development of core values such as responsibility, honesty, perseverance, and teamwork. We are committed to offering a wide variety of activities designed to broaden the experiences and education of those students who choose to participate.

Athletics Philosophy

At ISO we believe that athletics is an integral part of the school setting. We are committed to offering team and individual sports designed to broaden the experiences and education of those students who participate.

Our primary objectives are to develop in our student-athletes the skills required by specific sports and the skills that will help them be successful in their adult lives.

ISO believes that student-athletes have an additional responsibility as ambassadors of the school and expects them to adhere to a personal code of conduct consistent with the values of sportsmanship, scholarship, integrity, and commitment to oneself and their team.

Athletics Handbook 2019-20 (PDF)

Student representatives and a teacher facilitator meet once a week to discuss issues related to the elementary school body and organize events for their peers. These change every year, but often include such favorites as Spirit Week, talent shows, special fundraising, tournaments, and game nights. Central to the ISO mission and philosophy is the understanding that young people become self-directed and critical consumers of information when given multiple opportunties to exercise their independent and collective voices. By cultivating character and community involvement, ISO becomes a stronger learning community.

Elementary Student Council

ES Student Council is a team of enthusiastic students, who work together voluntarily to build community among ISO’s elementary students. They encourage a sense of unity by creating shared experiences and activities that focus on fun and family. They also provide opportunities for students to be of service to the wider community. Student council members develop leadership skills, learn to work collaboratively, and develop the skills required to see a project through to completion.

Middle School Student Council

This year, the Middle School Student Council has centered on developing leadership and collaborative skills in its members. Students have planned two major middle school events. Color Wars was the 1st semester event and was a great success, with lots of running and screaming. In the third quarter, the student council successfully planned three events in one: a BBQ, a bonfire, and a pool party. The logistics for the second event were quite complicated, but the student council pulled it off with flying colors. After each event, the council reflected on their collective successes and areas for growth. The goal is to use these reflections to improve our planning for future events. In the upcoming months, expect to see some fundraising / charity work for a local orphanage and one final all-middle-school event.

High School Student Council

High School Student Council (HSSC) restructured and re-prioritized this year. The new structure is more typical of a board in that members are elected at large and then officers are nominated and voted for by the other members of the HSSC only. The new priorities of the HSSC are community service, campus improvement and creating leadership opportunities by assisting in the organization and running of large ISO community events. In addition to the usual offices of president, secretary and treasurer, new offices were created to be responsible for community service, athletics, events and student life. Those new officers run committees composed of both HSSC and non-HSSC members and have already been responsible for helping to organize and run some major events as well as creating outside service opportunities for our students.