Curriculum In Upper School

Middle School

The Middle School student is given a chance to explore and mature under the close supervision of teachers experienced in the needs of early adolescents. Students go to the classrooms of different academic disciplines for instruction. Core courses include English Language and Literature, Social Studies, Science, French, and Mathematics. In addition to the core subjects, Middle School students take three blocks of “exploratory” courses. These may include: Art, Band, STEAM, Sports Science, and Career Studies.

Read about how our “Move to the Middle” program prepares rising sixth-graders for the transition.

High School

The High School program of studies allows students to meet the requirements for obtaining a standard American High School diploma following the Carnegie system of credits used in the United States. Students enrolling after grade nine will be required to select courses appropriate for their grade and to complete any other required courses not already taken. Note: ISO does not allow mid-year graduation.

At the grade 11 and 12 level, students have the opportunity to enroll in the International Baccalaureate® Diploma Programme.

Upper School Grading Scale

Grading Scale Percentage GPA
A+ 97-100 4.3
A 93-96 4.0
A- 90-92 3.7
B+ 87-89 3.3
B 83-86 3.0
B- 80-82 2.7
C+ 77-79 2.3
C 73-76 2.0
C- 70-72 1.7
D+ 67-69 1.3
D 63-66 1.0
D- 60-62 0.7
F 0-59 0.0

Graduation Requirements

Students at ISO enroll in a program leading to a U.S. High School Diploma. A minimum of twenty-six (26) credits is required for a standard ISO diploma:

  • English 4.0 credits
  • Mathematics 4.0 credits
  • Social Studies 3.0 credits
  • Science 4.0 credits
  • Foreign Language 2.0 credits
  • Physical Education 2.0 credits
  • Core 2.0 credits
  • Fine Arts 1.0 credit
  • Electives 4.0 credits

The Principal will evaluate transfer students who have entered ISO from other schools on a case by case basis. Any course taken outside of school does not replace or modify ISO’s course load requirements. Online courses that are approved by ISO and award a semester grade and credit will be accepted toward meeting ISO graduation requirements.

Certificate of Attendance

Students who have completed four years of High School attendance without obtaining the required number of credits or meeting course requirement may be permitted to participate in the graduation ceremony and may be issued a “Certificate of Attendance” upon the recommendation of the Director.

High School Class Load

A full time student at ISO must be enrolled in a minimum of 7 classes per semester (in the IBDP), of which four must qualify as core courses each semester. Exceptions to this case load requirement must be approved by the Upper School Principal.

Class Rank

ISO does not subscribe to the policy of ranking students in order of academic achievement. The school, therefore, does not report the rank of its students, except when required or advantageous for college admissions.


Credit is awarded only at the end of each semester; partial credit for less than one semester cannot be permitted.

ESOL Programme

Since many of ISO’s students come from non-English speaking backgrounds, ESOL lessons are required for those deemed necessary. Based on research regarding best practices and language learning, our ESOL program begins at grade 2 and ends in grade 9. A special tuition is charged for this program. Students without English are given intensive ESOL lessons as a substitute for French lessons until such time as deemed necessary.

Educational Materials

The teaching materials at ISO are current publications with most originating in the United States. All students are issued most, if not all, the educational materials required for their learning program. Exceptions to this would include physical education clothing, calculators, flash drives, pencils, pens, and notebooks for different subjects. All students are responsible for the proper care of their workbooks and textbooks. The workbooks are the students’ property, but textbooks must be returned, in good condition, to the school at the end of the school year or at the time of withdrawal. In case of loss or damage, replacement costs will be charged. Students will be expected to return the specific textbook assigned to them when books are collected.