
All fees and levies are payable by check (euro or CFA) in the Business Office. Cash payments and wires are acceptable at Ecobank. If you pay by cash at Ecobank, please bring the receipt of payment straight away to the Business Office. If you pay by wire transfer, please be sure your family name is included in the electronic transaction. Please forward a copy of the wire transaction to the Business Office.

Checks are to be made payable to: International School of Ouagadougou

Ask the Business Office for euro or CFA wiring instructions.

Payment Plans
All families must request a payment plan every year. Payment plans do not carry over to the next year. Payment plan requests must be approved by the Business Office by April 15th each year for the following academic year.
Installment plans for 100% sponsored families
Families with 100% employer sponsorship for school fees must pay in full by June 30th of each calendar year. Exceptions must be arranged with the Director.
Installment plans for others

Families without 100% employer sponsorship and having to pay out of pocket may choose to pay in one, two, or four installments after being approved by the Business Office. This request must be made in writing, by email or in person, by April 15th of each calendar year. The following are the installment plans:

1. One payment method: no later than June 30th of each calendar year

2. Two payment method:

a) First no later than June 30th of each calendar year

b) Second no later than the end of the first semester

3. Four payment method:

a) First no later than June 30th of each calendar year

b) Second no later than the end of the first quarter

c) Third no later than the end of the second quarter

d) Fourth no later than the end of the third quarter

Late Payment Penalties

Late payment penalties shall be levied as follows:

  • 2.5% of fees due if payment is received on or before two months after the due date.
  • 5.0% of fees due if payment is received more than two months after the due date.

Student records and reports shall be withheld until all payments are brought up to date. If fees fall a full quarter behind, families may be asked to withdraw their child from the school.

Students for whom payments are outstanding from the previous school year(s), shall not be admitted at the start of the new school year until the arrears are paid in full.

Bank Charges
Any bank charges incurred to ISO’s accounts for receiving wire transfers or foreign checks from foreign banks will be billed to the Payer.
Late Enrollment
Families enrolling students between July 1st and the first day of the school year shall pay all fees due by the first day of school in August and may apply for an adjusted plan.

Families enrolling students during the first quarter shall be charged the full fees for the year, and shall settle all fees due before commencing class: late payment penalties shall apply as per above.

Families enrolling students after the end of the first quarter may, subject to the Director’s agreement, be charged pro-rated school fees for the remainder of the year; they shall settle all fees due before commencing class: late payment penalties shall apply as per above. Application and capital levy contributions are always payable in full and cannot be waived or pro-rated.

Early Withdrawal
Families who will be leaving the country before the end of the school year and who inform the school of their date of departure before June 30 shall be invoiced on a pro rata basis, and shall settle the invoice in full before the start of the school year.

Students withdrawn at any time in the school year as a result of political turmoil or civil unrest shall not be entitled to any refund of fees paid or any waiver of any fees outstanding under an installment plan.

In the event of students being withdrawn before the end of the first semester for reasons other than political turmoil and civil unrest, and providing notification is received on or before December 1st by the Director, ISO shall: (a) Waive payment of the second semester installments for families on an installment plan; (b) reimburse second semester tuition fees for those that have paid in full.

Students withdrawn for whatever reason after the end of the first semester shall not be entitled to a fee waiver or refund. (Board Policy 501.12)

Returning Student Deposit
Guarantee your child’s spot by paying €500 deposit by April 30th. The deposit is applied to your tuition and fees. The deposit is non-refundable and non-transferable.