Director’s message 91

ISO Community

“Playtime is Over” … but here at the International School of Ouagadougou, we hope going forward that play time will be even better as we look in the near future to having artificial turf set under our swing set, and other playground equipment during the “Our School Breaks.”

Mr. Trudeau and an in-law playing on swings over Fall Break in Niamey, Niger

Please remember that THIS Friday school will be dismissed at 12:10, so we can host the Student Parent Teacher Conference from 13:00 – 18:00. This will give us an opportunity to continue our work on quality communication and parent involvement between the home and school. The link for the conference was sent by email.

Today was indeed a great day to get “back to work”, as we saw many well rested and energized students (and teachers) refreshed and prepared; as we know there is still much teaching and learning to be done during the final two months prior to our Winter Break.
