Director’s message 90

Members of the Association of the International School of Ouagadougou,

On behalf of the Board of Trustees and myself, I want to thank you for a very productive 1hour and 20 minutes last week during our annual Fall Association Meeting.

At first, we did not know how a “virtual” Association meeting would work – but we knew that certain organizations, NGO’s, Non-Profit’s, and members of the diplomatic community had a sunset curfew. This would have impacted both our ability to have a quorum, and our attendance.

As it turns out, we had 38 members attend the meeting, which is a record for my tenure here at the International School of Ouagadougou for the Fall Association meeting. The Spring meeting usually has more, as we vote for the new members of the Board of Trustees. As Ms. Christina Wagner, the Chair of Trustco, stated, five terms will expire this year, so we will have five openings. We are always looking for more great members to support the school and move it forward, following our Mission Statement: Academic Excellence, Economic Stability, and Long-Term School Viability.

To that end, I have attached the PowerPoint and sign up/comment sheet from last week’s meeting. Apologies for the delay in getting this out to you …. As we all know, we live in both interesting and busy times here at the International School of Ouagadougou. The link for the French Translation was sent by email.

Have a great (and well-deserved) holiday, which begins right after our Murder Mystery Dinner, on Thursday and Friday at 18:30!


On behalf of the Board of Trustees, who we thank for their service.