Great Start and Great Expectations!
“Everybody talks about the traffic … but nobody does anything about it.” Well, here at the International School of Ouagadougou, we monitor it, and make adjustments. School will now begin at 07:45 in order to enable:
- Upper School to have an advisory time to assist with “soft skills” and social-emotional intelligence
- Lower School to have “Morning Meeting Carpet Time” where those same “soft skills” will also be focused on.
In order to ensure we have good communication between the home and school, kindly fill out the EmergencyContact Information Form for TOMORROW, our first full day of the “2022 – 2023 School Year”, which will be our 46th year of education here on our school campus!
I also want to personally send out my appreciation to our team of educators, who, over the last two weeks, “toiled and tooled” in their classrooms to build an enhanced academic program for the 165 — or so — students that we are anticipating tomorrow.
This year, we are looking forward to working with you and using the two most important ingredients of the educational process: “quality communication” and “positive parent support.” With these two essential elements in place, we are expecting, possibly, a record-breaking enrollment year.
Have a great final DAY of your summer break! The team and I look forward to seeing you in less than 24 hours.
Since I first arrived at ISO, in 2020, we have been striving to meet our students’ individual learning needs.
“The challenges that we have faced together, as a community, will clearly give us plenty of opportunities to continue to learn, change, adapt and transform!”
We are eagerly anticipating this school year, spending more time working with your students, and fostering an environment that challenges each student to be successful!