Keeping the community safe is the primary goal of all pandemic mitigations. The International School of Ouagadougou uses guidance from the World Health Organization (WHO), the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the Burkina Faso Ministry of Health, and other infectious disease experts to guide School Operations during the Pandemic. ISO also uses information from similar international schools to assist in updating its COVID Operational Manual.
The International School of Ouagadougou has, since the beginning of the pandemic and will continue to, responded to changes in the pandemic with our phased layered mitigation approach to ensure safety is our number 1 priority. ISO does not change its layered mitigation approach based on reports of increased/decreased transmission in countries that do not directly impact our school community. The transmission rate is changed based on country specific science provided by the CDC. Information on Burkina Faso’s current transmission rate can be found here:
This document serves to demonstrate that the school is doing due diligence and ensuring compliance. The COVID Operational manual, which is being partially suspended in reference to mask wearing for two weeks, is available on the website and serves as a central repository for reference materials and COVID-19-related operational decisions. Revisions of the COVID-19 operational manual are made (or suspended) as new information becomes available from infectious disease experts and organizations.
This document is fluid, and will be modified as needed to respond to changing pandemic conditions globally, nationally, and in our local community.
This updated version takes into account the recent emergence of the omicron variant and the recommendations from infectious disease experts, government health agencies, which include both the CDC and WHO. When recommendations are not consistent across global agencies, ISO will make a decision to balance both the health and education needs in our school community, including all staff, students, parents, contractors, visitors, delivery personnel, or any other persons involved in school projects and/or entering ISO premises.
Present Modifications: As of April 18th – but subject to change if conditions warrant it.
- Mask Wearing, is still the most effective way to avoid transmission of the virus, and is strongly encouraged (but at the present transmission rates, not required) here at ISO.
- All people whose vaccinations are up-to-date need to have a copy of their vaccination records with the school nurse, and at this time are not presently required to wear masks either indoors or outdoors.
- Children 12 and older may be vaccinated in Burkina Faso. The age limit varies from country to country. As such, parents may also sign and provide to the nurse a waiver outlining both the school and the parent’s responsibility if parents choose for their students not to wear masks.
Since the policy modification started on Monday, our current records show that a slight majority of students are able or choosing not to wear a mask. The breakdown per grade level and some final notes are below.
Or — in a different format:
Final Notes: Continued Health and Hygiene Expected
While it has been a great joy to see so many mask-less faces this week, it is important that we remain vigilant in the following health and hygiene measures that are in place in order to prevent the spread of additional viruses, diseases and infection. These measures include:
- Ensuring children stay home if they have a temperature that exceeds 38 degrees Celsius
- Washing hands properly upon entry to school, after playing, before and after mealtime, after using the toilet and after blowing one’s nose
- Covering one’s mouth with the inner crease of the arm (as opposed to with the hand)
- Utilizing hand sanitizer to disinfect hands when soap and water are not available
- Refraining from sharing personal items and eating from shared containers of food
Let’s keep the good work so we as a community can begin to “normalize” after over 2.5 years. The harder the times, the stronger the community. We are confident that you will be strong and continue to work with us, to take our community well past the probationary period.
Have a great afternoon,
On behalf of the ELT, Faculty and Staff here at the International School of Ouagadougou
Sent out:
- GoBF Regulations for COVID Vaccine to minors
- A “Sneak Peak” in the busy month of May.