Director’s message 39

ISO Community,


April 12, 2021

Dear Parents, Students, Colleagues, and Friends,

As we come to the end of our “Spring Break” and the final vacation period of the year, I am once again reminded of just how interconnected our world has become. Indeed, it was less than a year and a month ago when all of us here at the International School of Ouagadougou were caught “off guard” in dealing with the consequences of the Covid-19 Health Crisis.

Today, we have over 85% of our community members back at our school site, doing mask-to-mask learning. The other 15% will return to campus, as per our school policy:

** Please note that at the present time this policy is being equally applied to those who have tested positive for COVID-19 and recovered, and/or have been vaccinated.

The school used the following link (adding 7 days, as per policy) to determine when it would be safe and appropriate for your student to physically return to campus.

I have been in touch with the teachers, and all of us understand that, given the circumstances and changing nature of the pandemic, it is best to take a cautious and measured approach to returning to campus. As a team, we will be flexible in welcoming additional students back, as soon as it is appropriate to do so.

Just a couple of notes to pass along as we exit the Spring Break vacation period and get ready for our final stretch of the school year:

  • School resumed as scheduled today, on Monday, April 12th at 8:00am.
  • This will be the last week of Quarter III After School Activities; teachers are preparing for Quarter IV ASA’s*, which will begin next week. The ASA sign-up sheet was in the Turtle Talk sent the Thursday before the Spring Break vacation period:
    • Elementary students: please sign up with Ms. Wati
    • Upper School students: please sign up with Ms. Fati.

*Remember: ASA’s are done on a first-come, first-served basis … so early sign up’s may be needed.

We hope you had an enjoyable and safe vacation, and we look forward to a productive and great final quarter of Teaching and Learning: The best is yet to come!
