Dear ISO Community,
A quick “shout out” to Ms. Pichette and our Grades 11/12 IB Theater/Drama for the performances on Friday evening. The students put together three great original collaborative productions!
If you have not done so already, please complete the two brief surveys that were sent: Spring Break Travel Survey and Intentions for 21/22 Survey.
We need your responses in order to adequately plan for both, the return from Spring Break, and the 2021 – 2022 School Year.
During the midst of a successful Africa Week, we recognize that we are 11 days away from the end of Quarter III, and from a much needed Spring Break, which will begin on April 3rd and extend to April 11th:
- If you do not travel out of the country, your student will be welcomed onto campus at 7:30 am, Monday, April 12th.
- If you do travel out of the country, your student must quarantine for 07 days and there is no need for a PCR test.
We are anticipating that less than 10 students will be traveling. We have been informed by many families that the logistics (cost and time of PCR Test, on both sides of travel, potential airport/airplane issues, and lack of time) are the reasons why Spring Break travel is very limited at ISO.
As a reminder, when we return to campus after this break, we will be in the last quarter, and just 10 weeks away from the end of school year. Please remind your students to stay focused while we finish up this last part of learning.
Have a great afternoon, and I look forward to seeing our well-dressed students for Africa week tomorrow.