Director’s message 104

ISO: The first quarter of the school year came in like a Lion! and left like a Lion!

October 25, 2023

Today, as we are just two days away from our well-earned Fall Break, we can all feel that indeed our school year is moving very fast! When we get back, we will be just 8 weeks away from the Winter Break!

During the school year’s first quarter, I received many great questions from our parent community. Especially during our Association Meeting, Board Meeting, and last night’s IBDP meeting. The best questions of all clearly come from the parking lot. First, I would like to thank our proactive parents for using ‘quality communication’ and addressing these concerns directly with me, their Principal, or their student’s teachers. Some of the issues I have discussed with parents on both an informal and formal basis are:

  • Is COVID still affecting the school? How many cases of COVID-19 did you have during the first quarter? Thanks to having well-vaccinated and boosted students, staff, and parents, I am pleased to report that we have not had ANY cases of COVID-19 thus far this school year. Let’s make sure we are all “up to date” in our vaccines, so we can keep away our masks permanently.
  • How best can we assist our students in making good choices while improving academic performance at ISO? Well, …. You will have a chance to do that BEFORE the Fall Break on Friday, October 27th, when we have our Student–Parent-Teacher Conferences (SPTC). As I mentioned last year, research shows that students in homes where parents talked positively about school and showed interest in what their students were learning had a 42% gain over students where positive parent feedback did not occur. On Friday, our SPTC conferences (SPTC) will give you a chance to strengthen our home-school partnership to ensure all students are making measurable academic achievements during their tenure here at ISO.

I would, again on behalf of the greater school community, like to send out a formal “thank you” for working with us during what has been a challenging month. The last few weeks have demonstrated that as a community we “work together for excellence.”

Have a great break! Looking forward to seeing you this Friday at the Parent-Teacher Conference. Sign up or contact your students’ teachers to book an appointment after the break.

We are looking forward to seeing all of you refreshed on Monday, November 06th, 2023.

  • School Office Hours during the Break will be from 10:00 – 2:00.
  • Tuesday and Wednesday are national holidays, and the school will be closed

Final Note: Go Stallions!!! The Middle School Stallion Team left for Dakar this morning and has arrived to prepare for both the opening ceremony tomorrow and the opening games. More details will be shared after all the teams successfully arrive at the tournament.
