Director’s message 76

ISO Parents ….

It is the Final Countdown:

At the International School of Ouagadougou, as in a lot of international schools, we know the last week of school is always the busiest!! Over my tenure here at the International School of Ouagadougou, there are a few lessons that I have discovered over the last two years:

1. “The only constant is change!” Sadly, our history has shown that each year we both gain and lose about 20% of our student body. Next year, however, hoping that with our new Economic Fee Structure, we will have more students joining us for the 2022 – 2023 School year. Nevertheless, as we found out from our staff meeting on Wednesday: “it is never easy to say goodbye.” The students and departing faculty members, who made this year so successful, are going to be truly missed!! We know new students and teachers will join us next year, however, those departing this year after at least 10 months of working together, are truly going to be missed.

2. “All dates are flexible” As we are anxiously awaiting to have the Yearbooks here on campus next Tuesday, we are also planning multiple events on Wednesday:

  • Pk to Grade 4 Fly Up Day
  • Grade 5 Move To The Middle
  • Upper School End-Of-Year Assembly

Please note that today was the last day of the After School Activities Program (ASAP.) Next week, all students will be dismissed at 3:15 sharp, so our amazing faculty and staff can get all of their end-of-the-year tasks completed.

On a final note, if you are departing early and would like to confirm a copy of the Yearbook with Ms. Wati, please send her a quick email and 15.000 CFA deposit. If your child will be on campus until June 17th, 2022, the last day of school, they can purchase the Yearbook with all this year’s souvenirs and great moments and have the chance to share words and wishes with their friends and classmates they may not see all summer long.

This year’s yearbook has the theme of “Find Balance,” which we feel is a clear reflection of the growth and progress that our students, and our school, have made during the journey that we have undertaken together, as a community, over the last ten months.

Thank you to the Yearbook Committee for your extensive work “behind the scenes, to bring our yearbook to life”.

To hold you over, till next week, the Yearbook Team added a few more “teasers” below.

Yearbook teasers below: