Director’s message 55

The Short Version:

Dear Parents,

Please remember that next Friday, November 12th, 2021, we will host Parent-Teacher-Conferences from 1:00pm-7:00pm. Appointments can be made via this link. Please contact your child’s teacher to schedule an appointment for another date and time if you are unable to attend.

Elementary homeroom conferences last 20 minutes and will take place in the classrooms, while conferences with specialists and Upper School teachers last 10 minutes and will take place in the auditorium.

Due to conferences, Friday, November 12th, is a half-day; therefore:

  • 1. All students must be picked up at 12:00pm
  • 2. After school activities are cancelled

The Long Version for our new parents, or avid readers:

Student Parent Teacher Conferences


Student-Parent-Teacher Conferences will be held next Friday, November 12th, from 13:00 – 19:00hrs. On this afternoon, you will have the opportunity to meet the entire International School of Ouagadougou Teaching Team. Something many of our 43 new parents have not been able to do under these unique circumstances.

Our Elementary homeroom teachers will host individual meetings with your students to ensure that they achieve measurable student progress here at ISO! For the roughly 40% of parents who just joined our community this school year, please be sure to sign up for a meeting time, using this link. Teachers will start to arrange meetings starting this afternoon.

To the parents who recently became a part of the greater International School of Ouagadougou, information about our Student-Parent-Teacher Conferences is below. Please review and be prepared for a productive meeting, as this is the time “when students, parents, and teachers celebrate learning.”

Student Parent Teacher Conferences
November 12th, 13:00 – 19:00
“The time when students, parents, and teachers celebrate learning”


  • Reflect, report and compare the different factors, in different classes, that have an effect on the students’ learning.
  • Reflect on the effectiveness of the students, as active learners, with the goal of improving future performance.
  • Discuss how students are evaluated.

The Teacher’s Role in the “Learning” Conference

  • Help students set goals for the following quarter.
  • Provide guidance and encouragement.
  • Let parents know that there will be other opportunities to meet with the teacher if they need to talk about any specific concerns.

The Student’s Role in the Learning Conference

  • Set goals for the trimester with his/her teacher and parent’s help.
  • Reflect on their overall work.

The Parents’ Role in the Conference

  • Before conferences, ask the children about their performance and areas for improvement.
  • Bring the children to the conferences.
  • Ask questions, encourage, and praise the child’s work and effort.
  • Assist the teacher in maintaining the time limit and schedule a new meeting if you have to discuss specific issues.
  • Talk about the conference with their child before and after the conference

Below are some ideas for discussion:

“I felt proud because…” – “Keep up the good work on…” – “I find it interesting that…” – “I know that sometimes you have difficulty with…- but…-” – “Why do you…?” – “I am glad to see that you are taking an active role in your education by…” – “I am glad to see that you are making an extra effort in…” – “Now you are more…” – “How can I help you to…?” – “Some ways I can help you are…” – “What if we…?” – “Let’s….” – “I enjoyed your conference because…” – “Next time you may want to…”

Your children will love to hear your reactions to the conferences and they will be more motivated.

New Parents … thank you for your support! and for a smooth start to a uniquely challenging year, as we work together to create a solid (and safe) school ecosystem for our students.

Have a good day.
