Director’s message 53

ISO Community,

Welcome Back, Welcome to the Second Quarter and Greetings from the International School of Ouagadougou
November 2, 2021 (Quarter II of the 2021 School Year)

As we start the second quarter of the 2021 School Year, we are returning our focus – from our physical reopening with new health and safety protocols – back to a few weeks of enhanced enforcement of our COVID Operational Manual.

As you may already know Burkina Faso is presently classified as a “low transmission” zone. However, during the Fall Break, many members of our community traveled and came from areas with various levels of transmission.

Presently the school is using the Government of Burkina Faso’s airport protocol of a negative PCR test taken within 72 hours of arrival to Burkina Faso to gain entry to our school. However, we do ask that if you came from an area of high transmission, you monitor your symptoms, and if needed, take a COVID Rapid Test. This will help us be sure that we are holding classes in a safe and appropriate learning environment.

The last few weeks, prior to our fall break, were indeed busy ones with tests, quizzes, and other assessments that needed to be completed before the end of the quarter. Now, with the second quarter firmly in place, as a school, we will continue to focus systematically on challenging our students, as we know that they will rise to the challenge and emerge more capable and more confident!

Quarter I Report Cards: Next Monday, our team will send the Quarter I Report Cards via PlusPortals. This way, we won’t need to worry about them being “lost” on the way home. The report cards will be viewable in PlusPortals, and demonstrate your student’s internal progress during the first ten weeks of school. On Friday, November 12th, Teacher Conferences will be from 13:00 – 19:00. More information about these events will be provided by your division Principals.

During the first quarter of this school year … we saw the two most important pieces of our educational process: “quality communication” alongside “positive and proactive parent support.” Here at the International School of Ouagadougou we look forward to using those two ingredients next Friday, during our Teacher conferences, and going forward into Quarter II.

Have a great afternoon


Important Dates
A. Tomorrow 23 days of ISO being COVID free: After the Fall Break, let’s work hard to keep it that way.
B. Quarter I Report Cards Monday, November 8th
C. Student-Parent-Teacher Conferences Friday, November 12: 13:00-19:00