Director’s message 49

If you have built castles in the air, your work need not be lost; that is where they should be. Now put foundations under them!
Henry David Thoreau

This year, as the quote above states, we built a castle in the air, and we are fortunate, even during these challenging times, to have put in place a strong foundation to support it; specifically:

  • Last year, in 2020, the school had 2 successful visits: one for the IB authorization (January) and one for the Middle States Association (MSA) accreditation (October). Thus, it remains a U.S. Accredited School that now has the ability to offer the IB Diploma Programme.
  • The school contracted six “new” student-centered educators
  • The school is now using the NWEA MAP test three times a year to make sure our students are learning and progressing during the year. This also provides us with the ability to make any changes to our academic program to ensure we are meeting the needs of all students.

The good news … is that our castle is still standing strong!

After our first six weeks of school, it is clear that the International School of Ouagadougou is one of the few schools where:

  • Students from 30 nationalities are accepted
  • Older students enjoy working side by side with younger students
  • The teachers care about the whole student and not just their grades
  • And … where parents and teachers, along with the Board and the school Director, all WORK TOGETHER in placing the best interest of our students first, and offering a safe and appropriate learning environment.

Best wishes on this Thursday afternoon, and once again, on behalf of the faculty and staff, we thank you for supporting and working with us to make sure that as a community we are doing what is best for the health and safety of each student and teacher at …. THE INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL OF OUAGADOUGOU!


Important Dates:

PSAT (Grades 10/11) October 13
Board retreat October 15-16
Fall Break October 25-November 1