Director’s message 26

Covid-19 Exposure: Student had limited contact with confirmed Covid-19 case, tested negative and has no symptoms.

Dear Parents and Upper School Students,

I am writing to inform you that one of our students was exposed to a confirmed case of COVID-19. As is ISO policy, the student has transitioned to online learning until medically cleared to return to face-to-face schooling on campus. We are pleased to report that the student is currently well, and has tested negative for Covid-19. We are preparing the medical clearances required for the student to return to face-to-face learning.

Given the proximity to our Winter Break, which starts next Friday, December 18th, the student will remain at home and continue with online learning. We look forward to having all the medical clearances in place and welcoming the student back (with everybody else) to campus on January 11th.

We thank the parents for providing us with this information in a timely and respectful manner, and for working with us to ensure the health and safety of everybody on our campus.

I am looking forward to seeing our community tonight at our Celebration of the Arts.

Please feel free to visit with me at the event if you have any questions or concerns.
